Sitemap - 2022 - Jared Kukura

A trophy hunting propaganda film from the UK lobby

A trophy hunting propaganda film from the German lobby

Insights into the trophy hunting industry’s communications strategy

Why is a trophy hunting outfitter’s photo being shared by a leading sustainable use activist?

Resource Africa and fake grassroots movements

Upcoming IUCN SULi webinar to discuss a totally unbiased trophy hunting project

Is sustainable use group Property and Environment Research Center (PERC) a climate denial group?

Sustainable use founding father at denier’s conference: Science is bad, business is good, animal rights are dangerous

PERC used trophy hunting misinformation to promote US ‘access to African mineral deposits’

George Monbiot’s defense of trophy hunting makes no sense

The greatest misconception about trophy hunting in Namibia

Misinformation about disinformation in the trophy hunting debate

When will sustainable use activists admit that trophy hunting is destructive?

Sustainable use activist and climate deniers teamed up to defend anti-environmental industries

How WWF and an avid trophy hunter greenwashed one of the world’s worst tobacco corporations

IUCN SULi economist was a research fellow at Big Tobacco's 'good ally'

IUCN SULi is supporting a narrative-changing 'hunter advocacy' program

You should expect to see more trophy hunting propaganda in 2023

American hunting lobby sought an alliance with Big Tobacco against animal rights activists

Sustainable use group founded by former CITES Secretary-General collaborated with tobacco industry

Promoting trophy hunting and banning abortion are part of the same agenda